Used Alcatel Spare Part Program

  • 100% network uptime -- Digital Warehouse Alcatel Spare Part Program is designed to enable service provider and/or enterprise customers maintain 100% network uptime with a 24X7 onsite replacement of failed network equipment.
  • Customized Solutions -- Digital Warehouse can customize the Alcatel Spare Part Program solution to the specific needs of the customer. That includes choice of the equipment, financing options, engineering and repair services, etc.
  • Onsite or offsite staging -- Spares can be co-located onsite in a separate cage near the network operations or data center.
  • Nationwide coverage -- With nationwide warehousing and staging capability, Digital Warehouse can store the Alcatel spare equipment at its own facilities within the close proximity of the service providers network operations center.
  • Onsite engineers -- Digital Warehouse certified engineers can be dispatched to the customer site to quickly replace the failed part.
  • Refurbished or new equipment -- Digital Warehouse can offer both refurbished and new equipment as spares. Use of refurbished equipment will reduce the total cost of the spares program.
  • Purchase, Rental or Lease Options -- Spares equipment can be purchased outright, rented or leased.
  • Repair Services -- Digital Warehouse will attempt to repair the failed unit and return that to the inventory to reduce costs.
  • Inventory Management -- Digital Warehouse keeps detailed real time records of spare equipment at various locations for customers information.

Serving the Needs of

  • Telelcommunications
  • Internet Service Providers
  • And more

To request a quote for Used Alcatel Spare Parts Program, simply click here. For additional information on Digital Warehouse's Spare Parts Program, please contact us at 1-646-695-9830 or email us.